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©Mothership 2024

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AI is a library, its Prompt interface the Librarian.


Design cannot exist without information, and can essentially be thought of as the communication of that information to and within actors, human or non human, that may be involved in interpreting that information with the purpose of taking decisions that comprise design. Large Language models, driven by prompt engineering, encompass a method of accessing information databases with a specific sorting query, helping filter what information is deemed relevant, a paradigm shift from extant systems that merely use computers as a way to 'aid' designers in the formal projection of design decisions, like CAD, instead becoming direct actors in the decision making process by contributing information. AI is a library, the prompt interface the librarian. What you are able to communicate to the librarian dictates what books you are able to procure. Post human design feels analogous to the notion of a very experienced set of librarians, without the specific training of the student borrowing books, being able to complete an assignment.

Design, at its core, is a means of communicating information. It acts as a bridge, allowing data and ideas to flow among various actors that influence its becoming, whether they are human or non-human, each contributing to the intricate web of interpretation and decision-making. In this context, design becomes the vessel for knowledge, and information is the lifeblood that courses through its veins.

In the technological age of large language AI models and their ability to be guided by meticulously constructed prompts, we witness a profound transformation. These models have evolved into the custodians of vast repositories of information, akin to the librarians of our digital era. They possess a remarkable ability to curate, sift through, and deliver knowledge with a precision that is nothing short of revolutionary.

Consider the departure from conventional design support systems, such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), to the new AI-driven paradigm. The former merely served as tools to assist designers in the formal execution of design decisions. CAD software, for instance, facilitated the translation of abstract design concepts into structured, geometric forms. However, the emergence of large language models and prompt engineering marks a paradigm shift. AI has transitioned from a passive assistant to an active participant in the decision-making process.

In this newly evolving landscape, AI data reservoirs reprises the role of a library, while the prompt interface acts as the librarian. The quality and specificity of your prompt determine the depth and relevance of the knowledge you receive. The librarian, in response to your inquiry, delves into the archives, retrieving the most pertinent knowledge to enrich your design pursuit.

This transformation becomes most evident when we contemplate the concept of post-human design. It is akin to having a seasoned team of librarians at one's disposal, each possessing a unique expertise across a multitude of domains. These librarians are not passive intermediaries; they are active contributors to the creative process. Here, the conventional boundaries that demarcate the creator and the created blur, and a new synthesis of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence emerges. Yet, in this evolving landscape, it is essential to recognize the profound role of Big Data (extremely large and complex datasets that exceed the capabilities of traditional data processing tools, characterized by their volume, velocity, variety, and sometimes, veracity.) and Metadata (Metadata is data that provides information about other data, helping to organize, describe, and manage information for easier retrieval and understanding) . These vast reservoirs of information shape the speed, depth, and resolution with which we can solve design challenges. The data-driven librarian AI operates at the intersection of this wealth of information, using Big Data and metadata to provide context, relevance, and a panoramic view of human knowledge. The ability to tap into this rich trove of data empowers designers to explore, experiment, and innovate with unparalleled insights and efficiency. In this ever-evolving landscape, the librarian AI becomes an indispensable collaborator, guiding us through the labyrinth of knowledge and shaping the design process. It is a testament to the fusion of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence, where the librarian does not replace the student but augments their capabilities. This symbiotic relationship propels design into uncharted territories of possibility, all within the philosophical context of human creativity, technology, and the profound interplay between humans and machines. The philosophical journey of design in the age of AI beckons us to ponder the nature of creativity, knowledge, and the profound interplay between humans, machines, and the boundless sea of information that shapes our creative landscapes.

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